Emergency Dental Restoration appointments near King's Cross, London
When a dental restoration (dental bridge, veneer, crown, or else) suffer a trauma it can cause a lot of discomforts, including gum issues, difficulty chewing, and more.
Don’t let dental restoration emergencies ruin your week
With active treatment from the first appointment, our dentists and specialists can help you carry out with your day-to-day activities undisturbed by dental issues.
Book an appointment online or give our friendly receptionists a call at 020 8748 9365.
Request a callback
If you’d like to book your appointment directly online, please use the link below. Please note that we require a deposit to secure your appointment.
We accept walk-in patients and emergency appointments. To ensure we’re able to see you immediately, please book your appointment online when you’re on your way, or give us a call on 020 7278 6362.
We’re available Monday to Saturday, 9am until 5pm.
View the rest of our emergency dental services.